Business Intelligence, Policy Advocacy, Networking, Business Expansion

Cyber Law & IT Act


Cyber war in simple term means the use of computer technology to disrupt the activities of a state or organization by disabling financial and organizational systems through stealing or altering classified data to undermine networks, websites and services via the Internet through computer viruses, Denial-of-Service attacks, etc. Cyber war is a virtual conflict initiated as a political attack on the enemy's computer and information system and also known as 'Cyber Warfare'.

Cyber war is often confused with the term "Cyber Crime". There is no doubt indeed that all acts of cyber war are cyber crimes, but not all acts of cyber crime can be termed as cyber war. In order to understand what Cyber War exactly means, let's take an example, when a person from country A conducts a targeted attack against several companies in country B, does it count as cyber war, or cybercrime? The answer depends on "intent".

If the attack is politically motivated, an act that may destroy data or even cause physical damage to infrastructure of a specific country, it may be considered an act of cyber war. For a cyber attack to be called Cyber War there must be a use of force and disruption to physical life and when a person perform these activities with "political aims" then they are popularly known as "hacktivists".

Methods of attacks

  • Espionage and National Security Breaches
  • Malwares
  • Denial of Service Attacks (DoS)
  • Hacking
  • Spreading Virus or Worms
  • Email Spoofing